


It's essential to recognize 和 honor the remarkable contributions of these pioneers who have left an indelible mark on the world 和 whose shoulders we st和 on today.

纵观历史, women have defied societal norms 和 shattered barriers to rise to positions of leadership. 从社会工作到护理, 从创业到技术, 这些开拓性的女性为后代铺平了道路, challenging the status quo 和 proving that gender is not a limitation to success. 许多女性不仅打入了各自的行业, 但他们也产生了影响,直到今天仍然可以感受到.

软件下载庆祝妇女历史月之际, it's essential to recognize 和 honor the remarkable contributions of these pioneers who have left an indelible mark on the world 和 whose shoulders we st和 on today.


简-亚当斯 是一位社会改革家、活动家和诺贝尔和平奖得主吗. 她最为人所知的身份是赫尔大厦的创始人, a settlement house in Chicago that provided essential social services to immigrant communities. Addams's work at Hull House laid the foundation for modern social work practices 和 advocacy for social justice.

亚当对他人的服务并不止于此. During her lifetime she was also involved in the National Child Labor Committee, 全国慈善和惩戒会议, the National American Women’s Suffr年龄 Association 和 the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

In 1910, Addams received the first honorary degree awarded to a woman from Yale University 和 in 1931, 成为第一位获得诺贝尔和平奖的美国女性. Her tireless efforts to improve the lives of the marginalized 和 disadvant年龄d exemplify the transformative power of compassionate leadership. 她配得上……的称号 社会工作之母.


弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔 几乎成了家喻户晓的名字. If you don’t know anything else about her, you still likely know her as a famous nurse.

通常被称为the 现代护理奠基人, Nightingale revolutionized the profession through her tireless efforts during the Crimean War. 1854年末, she was asked by the Secretary of War to organize a corps of nurses to tend to the sick 和 fallen soldiers in Crimea. 完全控制整个行动, 她很快召集了一组护士,并做了一些重大的改变. 她对卫生的重视, 卫生, 和 patient care laid the groundwork for modern nursing practices 和 helped establish nursing as a respected profession for women.

She returned home to Engl和 to a hero's welcome, but Nightingale wasn’t one to sit around. 她出资建立了圣. 托马斯医院,以及其中的南丁格尔护士培训学校. 感谢南丁格尔, nursing came to be viewed as an honorable vocation where it had been seen as menial work.

Nightingale's pioneering work continues to inspire nurses around the world to this day.

企业家精神:C女士.J. 沃克  

C女士.J. 沃克 是一名企业家, 慈善家, 也是美国第一批白手起家的女百万富翁之一. 更值得注意的是, she accomplished all this as an African American woman during a time when few received the recognition they deserved. 沃克克服了难以置信的困难,成为所有商界女性的榜样.

沃克不是富二代. 她的父母都是奴隶, 遭受了她姐夫的虐待, 是丧偶, 经历过脱发. 大多数人都会放弃, but 沃克 was a talented entrepreneur with a skill for marketing 和 saw an opportunity to help women who were in the same situation she was in.

沃克 achieved success by developing 和 introducing a line of beauty 和 hair care products for African American women 和 then began employing other women. 这位最终白手起家的百万富翁利用了她 投资财富 scholarships for women at the Tuskegee Institute 和 donated large parts of her wealth to the NAACP, 黑人基督教青年会和其他慈善机构.

沃克's entrepreneurial spirit 和 commitment to empowering other women through economic independence serve as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance 和 determination.

科技界女性:Ada Lovelace

当你想到第一个计算机程序员, 你可能会想象一个60岁出头的男人, 但是你完全错了. Ada Lovelace, 通常被认为是世界上第一个计算机程序员, 在19世纪对科技领域做出了开创性的贡献!

她在查尔斯·巴贝奇的分析机上的工作, 计算机的早期形式, 为现代计算机程序设计奠定了基础. While Babb年龄 和 his assistants had sketched out programs for his Analytical Engine before, 洛夫莱斯的作品是最精致、最完整的. 据说 巴贝奇自己 高度评价了她的数学能力, 他说她的能力比他认识的任何人都高, 准备有关他的计算机器的说明.”

洛夫莱斯对力学有着不可思议的理解, 尽管她去世时年仅36岁, 对计算机科学领域做出了持久的贡献. Lovelace's pioneering achievements continue to inspire women in technology 和 serve as a reminder of the importance of diversity 和 fresh perspectives in the field.


有些人可能认为教育是理所当然的,但它是一种特权. 马拉拉Yousafzai 比大多数人更了解这一点.

Despite facing threats 和 being assaulted for the act of advocating for female education, Yousafzai continued her activism 和 became an international symbol of resilience 和 hope. 她坚定不移地致力于教育平等,激励了数百万女性, 女孩, 和 men around the world 和 brought attention to the importance of ensuring every child, 不论性别, 有机会接受优质教育吗.

优素福扎伊成立了马拉拉基金, a charity dedicated to giving every girl an opportunity to achieve the future she chooses, 并成为最年轻的诺贝尔奖得主,以表彰她的工作.

These remarkable women have made significant strides in their respective fields, 具有挑战性的刻板印象, 打破障碍,为未来几代领导人铺平道路. 在软件下载庆祝妇女历史月之际, let us not only honor their achievements but also commit to creating a more inclusive 和 equitable world where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive 和 succeed.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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